Boroondara Writers is a friendly, supportive and knowledgeable community of writers from the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Our members range from beginners to experienced, published writers. They include poets, writers of long and short fiction in all genres, memoir, non-fiction and play-wrights.
New members are always welcome.
The current coordinator is Sarah Craze, a historian and author from Ashburton. Sarah has published three books and runs a Life Stories Writers Group at the Ashburton Community Centre.​

Hawthorn Library, Glenferrie Road
We welcome writers in all genres.
Membership costs $40 pa with a $5 joining fee in the first year.
There is a $10 fee for casual attendance.
Membership includes:
Monthly meetings on the last Saturday of each month (except December)
A monthly e-newsletter including competitions and writing advice
Feedback and critique on your writing work
An opportunity to publish in our biennial anthology
A supportive and diverse writing community
You are welcome to sit in and listen to see if it is for you. If you would like to present your work, please bring a piece of writing [max about 1,000 words] to workshop and 12-15 copies to share around. You will get them back with helpful hints.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.​​
Boroondara Writers started as a family history writing group in 1996. The first six years were facilitated by the various Writers-in-Residence at Hawthorn Council. Several of our members still write memoir and personal essays, but we encompass all styles of writing today.
In 2002, we became self-managed and Boroondara Council supports us with free access to Library meeting rooms for our events. We incorporated in 2014.